What Causes Eyelid Skin Cancer?
Skin cancers, often a result of sun exposure, usually present as painless bumps that crust or bleed. If the cancer is along the eyelid margin, it can result in lash loss.
Common Types Of Eyelid Skin Cancer
Basal cell
Squamous cell
Sebaceous cell
Treatment Options
These cancers typically grow locally and enlarge and destroy surrounding tissue. Sebaceous cell and melanoma are two more aggressive types and can spread (metastasize) to other areas of the body. Dr. Jasper-Trotter will excise the suspicious lesion and send it off for biopsy to determine if it is malignant or benign. If malignant, the removal can be performed under frozen section control or with MOHS micrographical excision with a surgeon specialized in this area of expertise. If the resulting surgical wound is too large for that surgeon to close, Dr. Jasper-Trotter will coordinate with that office to schedule a surgical closure either in-office or in a surgery center. During your consultation, Dr. Alana Jasper-Trotter will determine which type of excision is warranted by your case.
Contact Coastal Vision Center
today to schedule your evaluation today with Dr. Jasper-Trotter!